Yearly Archives: 2018

Health and Fitness “Hacks”


I always say that one of the first steps to leading a healthy lifestyle is awareness; you absolutely must build a foundation of knowledge. I can’t even tell you how many times I have clients that THINK they are doing the right things and yet are so frustrated by lack of progress. Well, it turns out, some of those things really aren’t the best after all. It is key to know the HOW; otherwise, you can be wasting a whole lot of time.

After that, it is all about action, taking that education and putting it into practice. However, unfortunately, […]

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My New Exercise Trick


Believe it or not, exercise can get old for me too.

So I have been trying this new thing on for size. Not only does it make the workout go a little bit faster, but it also helps me push myself more. PLUS, there is one even bigger added bonus the benefits of which far outweigh any sweat session.

Who wants in on the secret? Lucky for you, I am willing to share.

So we all have a laundry list of prayer intentions right? If we really stop to think about it, we have a myriad of circumstances and people […]

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Top Five Ways to Relieve Stress


Stress. No one is immune.

We all know we should follow Bobby McFerrin’s advice

But seriously if it were that easy. Just say the words and the flip would be switched, and we could just wipe that worry away and just be happy. C’mon now; while that song is a nice ideal, it is completely unrealistic. We don’t just say the word and POOF! All anxiety is gone. So here are my top 5 ways to eliminate and relieve stress in our lives because it is detrimental to overall health and stability. Oh and it would be nice to finds way […]

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Running and Pregnancy


There is not a cut and dry answer for running during pregnancy as there are quite a few factors that go into whether it is not only an effective form of exercise, but more importantly a safe one. Everyone and each pregnancy is different, and therefore, it is honestly a case by case scenario when determining whether or not to pound the pavement.

There are a few absolute givens that do not change across the board.

1. Consult your physician. This so often becomes the precursory, safety blanket for any exercise professional dealing with prenatal women, but I don’t say it […]

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Diastasis Recti Testing


Diastasis Recti is the thinning of the tissue, the linea alba, between the right and left rectus abdominis, causing them to separate. It occurs most commonly in pregnancy because of the inevitable pressure placed on the linea alba in turn weakening it and creating space between the muscles.

Factors that increases the likelihood of diastasis recti:
Incorrect abdominal exercises and posture
40 years or older
Multiple pregnancies
Larger babies
Unknown reasons

There are different types of separation seen in the image below.

Testing for diastasis recti is a relatively simple procedure, but there are a few common misconceptions. One of the biggest things is that you want […]

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