Fit From Home

Give "housework" a whole new meaning by skipping the gym and getting fit on your own time.

This At Home Exercise HIIT DVD is perfect for the busy woman who is hoping to get or remain fit in the comfort and convenience of their own home. Utitlizing the most effective and efficient intensity training, all the workouts can be done in the privacy of your own home with minimum equipment.

It's time to get fit where the heart is!


Torch The Fat

Don't just burn calories, but burn them faster and longer with the power of high intensity interval training.

By focusing on intense moments of rest/recovery, not only will you burn calories during the workout, but also in the 24-36 hour recovery period afterwards. You will also simultaneously build muscle and torch fat. HIIT is truly the most effective and efficient type of exercise.

What it all boils down to is this: HIIT workouts accomplish more in less time. Who doesn’t love that?!


Better Results. Faster

The At Home Exercise HIIT DVD includes a complete warm-up, 10 timed HIIT workouts that are done real time following me.

While this HIIT DVD is challenging, the program can be adapted for different abilities by adjusting your speed and using the included modifications. Push yourself at a pace that is manageable, yet challenging for you, and remember, you get out what you put in!

You got this.