Meal Prep Tips + Stuffed Peppers Recipe

Meal planning and preparation is a HUGE part of successful healthy nutrition. I really can’t emphasize this enough; I would even go so far as to say that it is vital. ‘If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.’ Yes, I know that is an overused, cliche saying, but it is oh so true in this case!

My suggestion is that you plan and prep an entire week of food at a time. This might be a new concept, and it will probably seem daunting or overwhelming at first, but trust me. It will make your life easier!

I made the […]

How to lose belly fat

“I don’t know why they call it stubborn belly fat. Mine is flexible and rolls with the punches.”

As women, we are ever preoccupied with how to lose belly fat. In order to do so, however, we must understand a few things first.

There are two major categories of stomach fat: subcutaneous and visceral. Subcutaneous fat is the visible outer layer right above the hips that you can pinch, while visceral fat is hidden beneath the surface around your internal organs. The latter type of fat is what you should be worried about because it is harmful, increasing the risk of heart […]

What is your “why”….perfect motivation

If we want to be successful in our nutrition and fitness goals, we need to have a very clearly defined “why”. Why are we trying to lead a healthy lifestyle? What is the purpose behind our efforts? What is the passion that drives us?

Dedication naturally waxes and wanes, but a clearly defined “why” will pull us back on track. Therefore, it isn’t until we have formalized and physically written this down that we will have enduring success in our health and fitness goals. Furthermore, I would like to argue that this “why” not only must be clearly defined, but it […]

Benefits of HIIT

The popularity of high intensity interval training, commonly referred to as HIIT, is on the rise, and there is good reason!

HIIT it is an exercise technique in which you give maximum effort for a short burst, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods. This technique can be utilized with all different modes of exercise, such as running, swimming, strength training, etc. The intense work periods range from 5 seconds to 8 minutes long, and the ratio between exercise and rest/recovery varies, but a very common ratio is 1:1 – so for example, you could do 2 minutes of high intensity […]

The Secrets Behind ABS for Women

As a trainer for women, I hear similar goals, and one of the most common is for flat abs – getting rid of “belly pooch” so to speak. Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions in achieving a flat stomach. Here are some secrets behind abs for women and a strong core in general.

– First, core must be defined. The muscles that compromise the core are not merely your abdominal muscles. Yes, it certainly includes your transverse and rectus abdominus – the stomach muscles from your sternum to waist – but it also includes muscles of your back (lats), sides […]